Forecasts model CMAQ 2 km
Forecasts of PM10, PM2.5, O3 and NO2 using the CMAQ model are operationally calculated at SHMÚ using the chemical-transport model CMAQ version 5.3.3 (more about the model here), every day for the term 00 UTC +48 h. The horizontal resolution of the model is 2 x 2 km. Forecasts are usually available at 04:30 UTC. The CMAQ model uses meteorological outputs from the ALADIN forecast model (ALARO 2-e) as inputs.The chemical boundary conditions for the CMAQ model come from the European CAMS REGIONAL model and the CAMS GLOBAL model. Emissions for Slovakia at the given grid points are calculated from national data, and emissions from the TNO MAC-III database are used outside of Slovakia. The time profiles for the released emissions are preset according to the expected activities (e.g. rush hour, working week and weekend). Time profiles of local heating in the Slovak Republic are based on the predicted temperature.
Air quality forecasts are available thanks to the National Collaboration Program - Slovakia project, which is funded by the European Union through the Copernicus Earth observation program and its atmospheric monitoring service CAMS, which is implemented by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ECMWF.